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Logging system

How to get further with XCP-ng logs?


Any manual modification to the configuration files described below may prevent future XCP-ng updates to update the contents of those files. Avoid modifying them and ask for advice if you have a use case that appears to require such modifications.


logrotate is the tool to administrate the rotation, compression, removal, ... of log files. The configuration is located in /etc/logrotate.conf; the /etc/logrotate.d directory is included by this file for additional rules (for example for specific packages after RPM installation like xha, blktap, SMlog...). This configuration is used by the daily cron task /etc/cron.daily/logrotate.

By default a file is rotated if:

  • its size is greater than 100 MiB (since XCP-ng 8.2.1)
  • it's a new day (daily rotation)

Also a file is compressed after two rotations, the first time it is just renamed.


Because a file must be rotated if a log exceeds 100 MiB, the rsyslog daemon is used to trigger automatically the /etc/cron.daily/logrotate script without waiting for the logrotate cron job to run. (Conf location: /etc/rsyslog.d/xenserver.conf)

Specific config: xensource.log

xensource.log has many particular and different configuration parameters, so another logrotate config is used: /etc/xensource/xapi-logrotate.conf in a shell script /opt/xensource/libexec/ that executes logrotate with this specific config.

There is normally no need to run it manually, a cron task /etc/cron.d/xapi-logrotate.cron is present to schedule it each hour. The goal of this special config is to keep the xensource.log files for one month, and to limit the number of log files to 100.